Thurrock Flexible Generation

Thurrock flexible generation plant secures 750MW Development Consent Order

17 February 2022

Thurrock flexible generation plant secures 750MW Development Consent Order.

Statera Energy is pleased to announce that Thurrock Power has received a Development Consent Order (or DCO) from the UK’s Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for its flexible generation and battery storage project, located to the north of the Tilbury National Grid substation in Essex.

The project will feature gas reciprocating engines with up to 600MW electrical capacity and battery storage with up to 150MW electrical capacity. It is classified as a ‘Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project’ under the Planning Act 2008, as it would have a total capacity of 750MW.

Thurrock Power is the developer, owner, and operator of the project, which includes both battery energy storage and gas reciprocating engines.

It is a subsidiary of Statera Energy, the UK-based developer, owner and operator of flexible generation and grid-scale storage capacity.